A City Herbal
    by Maida Silverman
    Paperback, 192 pp.

    The wild plants of the city are potent herbal medicines and nutritious wild edibles, as well as sources of comfort, fiber, and dyes. Learn to recognize and use 34 of them.

    "I never could have imagined the herbal abundance that grows between the cracks of the city sidewalks and in vacant lots! A City Herbal by Maida Silverman details the folknames, locations, historical uses, lore, legends, and uses of 34 plants commonly found in the city. I read A City Herbal like a novel, from cover to cover, and would recommend it to anyone interested our green friends!"

    Buy A City Herbal at the Wise Woman Bookshop

    Read Excerts from A City Herbal:

    Listen to an interview with Maida Silverman

    Article by Maida Silverman

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